FRIENDS (who have websites)

Don Burns. He taught me how to hang glide, which just rules!
Chris Candy. This is an old friend from high school. I run into him ever now and then.
Andy Ervin. He and I chase storms. He's a little psycho. Here is a creepy picture of him.
Christian Greuel. He makes really cool 3D models.
Tim Griepp. He's creative and he's an engineer. How odd. . .
Kevin Johnson. My freaky landlord.
Matt Kettler. Sharp. Clutter. Wine festivals. Open mind. Secretive programming. Um... that just about covers it.
Tom Marlow has a nice photographic journal of his sailing trips.
Orr Marshall. My uncle, the artist.
Robert Platt. This guy another 3D graphics nut like me. He gave me a great tour of London when I went to visit.
Brent Watson. He traveled through Europe one day ahead of me. What kind of friend won't wait one little day??
Ahlene Welsh. My mom, the jeweler.

Main page.
Terry Welsh - mogumbo "at"